Join HolonIQ for the 2023 Higher Education Digital Transformation Webinar Series as we explore the latest data and insights on key topics from AI and micro-credentials to international education and new models stretching traditional boundaries in the sector.
Register for each webinar via the links below to attend live, or receive the recording after each session.
Webinar 1: Higher Education Digital Transformation in 2023: shifting priorities in a changing world.
This webinar brings together 3 consecutive years of data from HolonIQ’s annual research on digital transformation in Higher Education to examine how universities globally are responding to challenges and opportunities in an increasingly digital world.
As digital increasingly becomes a core capability, we explore which areas of the learner lifecycle are in focus now, and which digital capabilities are becoming a high priority. Key changes from previous years' results are identified and we discuss the persistent challenges for Higher Education leaders in their digital transformation journey.

Webinar 2. AI in Higher Education: Adopting and Adapting
In 2019, research with the HolonIQ Global Executive Panel identified education as an obvious area for the application of artificial intelligence, with the potential to improve access, reduce cost and accelerate learning outcomes.
With huge advances in AI capabilities and broader awareness of the applications and possibilities in the last few years, AI has become central to University discussions on everything from academic integrity to assessment & feedback, student support and advising, marketing, and many other aspects of the learning experience. This session shares the latest from our cross-sector surveys on applications of AI, and explores some of the implications and possible futures for Higher Education.

Webinar 3. Micro-credentials 3.0: The shape of things to come
As learning habits evolve and demand for new skills continues to put pressure on traditional education models, alternative and micro-credentials are finding their place in the strategic portfolio of higher education institutions worldwide.
Leaders are looking to engage new learners and different demographics, as well as meeting the demands of existing students, governments and industry. Standards are continuing to mature around micro-credentials with government regulatory structures making the integration of micro-credentials into qualification frameworks more likely than ever.
This webinar explores the evolving shape and role of micro-credentials in higher education, and considers what ‘Micro-credentials 3.0’ might mean for institutions around the world.

Webinar 4. Mapping International Education: Market trends, global flows and future options
After a global re-boot in 2022, International Education is back in business, and looking ahead to opportunities for change. Recent years have seen continued changes in approach by governments, along with diversifying learner preferences and significant changes to trends in international student flows.
This session picks up key threads in HolonIQ's ongoing work mapping the International Education market and the emerging landscape of global student flows. Analysis from our Intelligence Unit takes you through drivers and challenges in key markets to consider how the latest changes will impact the next stage of International Education and the sector's options for growth and development.

Webinar 5. New models, no boundaries: What will your University look like in the future?
Changes to University educational offerings have been accompanied by a bewildering spectrum of partnerships and collaborations, from the rise of OPMs and Bootcamps to increasing collaboration with industry, technology companies and many others.
New forms of competition and partnership now go even further, spanning geographic & industry boundaries, and introducing new models which demand completely different skills and mindsets, attract new types of learners and rethink the boundaries of the institution and the sector. In this webinar we look at the forces driving change, what’s evolving and how the future might unfold for higher education stakeholders around the world.