Screen and Target Investments

Find the right investment opportunities, using your own unique criteria and POV.

Trusted by the world’s smartest companies

Powerful search and filtering to find the right opportunities.

Dynamic filtering, screening and organizing tools ensure you find the perfect fit for your investment strategy. Surface matches by maturity, location, segment, market activity and size. Use advanced tools to pick up peripheral players you might otherwise miss.

Score and Rate the Landscape to build a disciplined and data-driven approach.

Use more than your gut. Integrate your unique methodology and map opportunities against each other with different views to ensure you understand the full picture.

Thousands of pre-built and one-click market maps.

Understand a complete ecosystem in seconds, not months. Use HolonIQ's powerful and lightning-fast segmentation to quickly understand an investment target's ecosystem, biggest opportunities, and threats.

Pre built lists so you can review 10x the markets in half the time.

Cut out the legwork by drawing from curated lists and collections made for you by HolonIQ's Intelligence Units. Lists help you quickly zero in on emerging segments and players.

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