2024 Future of Higher Education & Workforce Summit

Paris, France / June 27, 2024

Join Higher Education Leaders from around the world for HolonIQ's annual Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit in Paris, France for 2024.

The 2024 HolonIQ Future of Higher Education & Workforce Summit is a program of presentations, discussions and networking sessions on the key trends and strategic shifts shaping the future of higher education. The program features insights and case studies from institutions leading the way in educational innovation.  Key topics include: Future Higher Education Models; Alternate Credentials & New Approaches to Lifelong Upskilling, Engaging Students and Reinventing Curriculum; Online, Hybrid and On-Campus Higher Education; The Outlook for International Education; and, Integrating Artificial Intelligence.

Technology & Innovation

Explore the impact of AI, personalised learning, and the potential for simulated  learning, along with the evolving landscape of technology infrastructure. Learn more about how peers are approaching digital upskilling and faculty engagement.

Higher Education Futures

Explore the drivers shaping higher education over the next decade and discuss the role of universities in a changing competitive, and collaborative, landscape. Engage with peer institutions on how to move your university forward.

Growth & New Models

Online and hybrid delivery, micro-credentials strategy and approaches to international markets, hear from experts on growth opportunities for universities. Consider how your institution might approach lifelong upskilling and partnership options.

Hosting Partner

NEOMA Business School is the Hosting Partner for the 2024 Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit, which will be held at NEOMA Business School’s new Paris campus located in the heart of the capital, in the 13th arrondissement, part of the dynamic district of Butte aux Cailles.

2024 Featured Speakers

Aaron McKenna
CEO at Digital Learning Institute and Board Member at University College Dublin
Alain Goudey
Directeur Général Adjoint - Digital at NEOMA Business School
Annie Peshkam
Director, Learning Innovation and Teaching Excellence, Faculty Coach at INSEAD
Ben Sowter
Senior Vice President at QS Quacquarelli Symonds
Benjamin Stevenin
Director of Business School Partnerships at THE
Boris Walbaum
Founder & CEO at Forward College
Charlotte Fillol
Chief Education & Customer Operations Officer at Studi
Delphine Manceau
Dean at NEOMA Business School
Derek Jan Fikkers
Director of Strategy & Policy at University of Twente
Fabio Fonti
Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, NEOMA Business School
Jeremie Rossignol
Managing Director, ETS
Justin Spooner
Director at Unthinkable Digital
Loren Griffith
Director at Loren Griffith Education Advisors
Luciana Radut-gaghi
Vice-présidente Relations Internationales et Partenariats stratégiques at CY Cergy Paris Université
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Marie-Odile Lhomme
Chief Information, Digital & Data Officer at Audencia
Miguel A. Montoya
Director IFE Europe, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), Tecnológico de Monterrey
Patrick Brothers
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Rajay Naik
CEO at Skilled Education
Rose Luckin
Professor, UCL and CEO at EDUCATE Ventures
Russell Brooks
CEO of Heriot-Watt Online
Sidharth Oberoi
VP International Strategy & Partnerships at Instructure
Svenia Busson
Co-Founder, European EdTech Alliance
Teresa Martín-Retortillo
Executive Chair of IE Exponential Learning, IE University
Timo Kerzel
Director, Lifelong Learning at IESE Business School
Victoria Galan-Muros
Chief Research and Analysis at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education

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Jun 27, 2024 9:30 AM
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Delphine Manceau
Dean at NEOMA Business School
Jun 27, 2024 9:40 AM
Higher Education in the Decade Ahead. Growth Drivers, Trends, Risks and Opportunities
HolonIQ's signature interactive and data-driven briefing on the global higher education landscape. Kick off the event with a vision of the future. Join HolonIQ's CEOs on a journey to envision the exciting possibilities and challenges that lie ahead for higher education. Explore groundbreaking trends, innovative technologies, and transformative learning models that will shape the future of education.
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Patrick Brothers
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Jun 27, 2024 10:15 AM
Rethinking Institutional Boundaries: New University Models
Policy and funding changes, new forms of competition, changing student demographics and learning preferences mean that higher education instittutions are rethinking their traditional boundaries, including the programs they offer, modes of delivery and approaches to teaching and learning. This session will touch on the forces driving change, outline examples of new models for higher education and discussion implications for the sector.
Derek Jan Fikkers
Director of Strategy & Policy at University of Twente
Boris Walbaum
Founder & CEO at Forward College
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Jun 27, 2024 10:45 AM
Technology-powered Teaching & Learning
This session delves into the transformative potential of technology in teaching and learning, highlighting innovative practices and tools that promise to redefine the educational landscape. We will explore how emerging technologies can significantly enhance student learning outcomes, personalize educational experiences, and foster immersive learning environments that bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Alain Goudey
Directeur Général Adjoint - Digital at NEOMA Business School
Svenia Busson
Co-Founder, European EdTech Alliance
Miguel A. Montoya
Director IFE Europe, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), Tecnológico de Monterrey
Jun 27, 2024 11:15 AM
Morning Coffee & Networking
Jun 27, 2024 11:30 AM
Innovating from Within: Faculty Engagement & Upskilling
Any transformation is complex and relies heavily on human skills, engagement and action and for universities, the role of faculty is critical in moving institution-wide initiatives forward. This session offers practical strategies for engaging faculty and case studies from peers about how they have tackled faculty engagement and upskilling, particularly as it relates to integrating technology into teaching, learning and assessment.
Aaron McKenna
CEO at Digital Learning Institute and Board Member at University College Dublin
Annie Peshkam
Director, Learning Innovation and Teaching Excellence, Faculty Coach at INSEAD
Justin Spooner
Director at Unthinkable Digital
Jun 27, 2024 12:00 PM
Micro and Alternate Credentials: Implications and Opportunities for Universities
As learning habits evolve and demand for new skills continues to put pressure on traditional education models, alternative and micro-credentials are finding their place in the strategic portfolio of higher education institutions worldwide. Leaders are looking to engage new learners and different demographics, as well as meeting the demands of existing students, governments and industry. Standards are continuing to mature around micro-credentials with government regulatory structures making the integration of micro-credentials into qualification frameworks more likely than ever. This session explores the role of micro- and alternate credentials in higher education and offers practical insights into how institutions can engage with these new forms of credentials.
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Victoria Galan-Muros
Chief Research and Analysis at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education
Jun 27, 2024 12:30 PM
Higher Education Transformation. HolonIQ Data and Project Case Studies
Patrick Brothers
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Loren Griffith
Director at Loren Griffith Education Advisors
Jun 27, 2024 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
Jun 27, 2024 2:00 PM
The Changing Landscape of International Education
The evolving regulatory and policy landscape, matched with the need to acheive diversity of the student body while maintaining quality, and growing enrolments can make for a complex environment in which to build an international education strategy. This session discusses the evolving dynamics of international student mobility and the strategies universities worldwide are adopting, including partnership models, transnational campuses and hybrid study. Hear more about changing recruitment strategies for international students.
Luciana Radut-gaghi
Vice-présidente Relations Internationales et Partenariats stratégiques at CY Cergy Paris Université
Loren Griffith
Director at Loren Griffith Education Advisors
Ben Sowter
Senior Vice President at QS Quacquarelli Symonds
Jun 27, 2024 2:30 PM
Technology Infrastructure for Tomorrow's University
Universities worldwide are encumbered by legacy 'ERP' systems, largely unable to cope with the rapidly evolving research and digital instruction needs of the modern institution. Technology infrastructure of the future will need to be AI-enabled, cloud based, open, secure, flexible and interoperable. Join this session as we walk through the 'must have' technology infrastructure of tomorrow's university.
Marie-Odile Lhomme
Chief Information, Digital & Data Officer at Audencia
Sidharth Oberoi
VP International Strategy & Partnerships at Instructure
Benjamin Stevenin
Director of Business School Partnerships at THE
Jun 27, 2024 3:00 PM
Hybrid & Online Learning: Building the Student Experience of the Future
Digital is increasingly embedded all along the learner experience in higher education and students increasingly expect flexible options to access their study materials, submit assessment or engage with lectures. Hybrid and online learning models, are becoming a normal part of the higher education offer, even for 'campus based' students. However, hybrid and online learning is not easy to pull off for institutions, requiring integrated technology, rethinking timetabling and learning design. This session will discuss what's needed to design and deliver a successful hybrid & online design for your university.
Charlotte Fillol
Chief Education & Customer Operations Officer at Studi
Svenia Busson
Co-Founder, European EdTech Alliance
Rajay Naik
CEO at Skilled Education
Jun 27, 2024 3:30 PM
Afternoon Networking Break
Jun 27, 2024 4:00 PM
The Role of Higher Education in the New Skills Economy
This panel discusses the growing attention to skills in post-secondary education and training, the role of higher education in equipping students with skills needed for the future. We'll explore approaches to embedding employability skills in the curriculum and discuss skills mapping and testing.
Jeremie Rossignol
Managing Director, ETS
Russell Brooks
CEO of Heriot-Watt Online
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Jun 27, 2024 4:30 PM
AI in Higher Education
This session deep dives into the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence in higher education, balancing the discussion between technological advancement and ethical responsibility. It will explore how AI can personalize learning, streamline operations, and foster academic innovation, while also addressing the critical ethical implications of data privacy, bias, and equity. By highlighting both opportunities and challenges, we aim to chart a responsible path forward for integrating AI into educational institutions, ensuring technology serves as a force for inclusive and ethical progress.
Rose Luckin
Professor, UCL and CEO at EDUCATE Ventures
Patrick Brothers
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Jun 27, 2024 5:00 PM
Rebooting Higher Education for Lifelong Learning
This panel will focus on the pivotal role universities can play in addressing the demand for ongoing educational opportunities in a world where skills requirements evolve rapidly. The session will highlight strategies for building services and programs for new cohorts of learners, both individually and with industry. Speakers will discuss the strategic and operational implications for universities, sharing their experiences about what to consider and how to manage change in the institution.
Teresa Martín-Retortillo
Executive Chair of IE Exponential Learning, IE University
Timo Kerzel
Director, Lifelong Learning at IESE Business School
Maria Spies
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Jun 27, 2024 5:30 PM
Closing Remarks
Patrick Brothers
Co-CEO at HolonIQ
Fabio Fonti
Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, NEOMA Business School
Jun 27, 2024 5:45 PM
Networking Drinks

2023 Highlights

See the highlights from the 2023 Global Summit Series.

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